About the Forum

Border photo courtesy of Fr. Daniel Groody
Notre Dame brings together world leaders, scholars and students to discuss some of the world’s most challenging issues. The Notre Dame Forum is an annual event that enhances our mission as a Catholic university.
This year’s Forum again engages our students’ minds and hearts with one of the great challenges that they must address as tomorrow’s leaders. We approach the complex challenge of immigration in a multi-faceted way with these goals in mind:
- Engage our students intellectually about this issue of importance.
- Bring the university community together in reflection on this topic.
- Draw upon the highest levels of expertise relevant to the issue while integrating the discussion with moral considerations and faith perspectives.
- Make a contribution to national, ecclesial, and global discussions.
- Demonstrate the kind of reflection and discussion that goes on at this University.
Timothy Matovina
Professor of Theology
William and Anna Jean Cushwa Director
Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism
1135 Flanner Hall
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5611
(574) 631-5441
Fax: (574) 631-8471
Email: tmatovin@nd.edu